Cupcakes in Topshop

The other day I went to Topshop in Oxford street and had cupcakes mid-shopping! Yes, to my surprise they have this cupcake store in the store, in case you get peckish between browsing the bags and sunglass section. Also, they had generous pieces of testers that you could try without the staff looking at you with anticipation. Bought a mini oreo cookie one in the end for a pound ! Delicious.


Angel cupcakes and vanilla cupcakes

Made cupcakes with my room mate Jessie ! Danced to Ricky Martin as we baked and made these for our other roommates!
The angel cakes were the winner tho. We scooped out a bit of the vanilla cupcake and filled it with strawberry jam and topped it with whip cream: ) We were meant to make wings out of the scooped out cake but we just ate it : ) I might have one now with a cup of tea.. ahh a way to enjoy a rainy Saturday


エンジェルカップケーキと言ってバニラカップケーキをベースにして、焼いた後にそのカップケーキの真ん中を少し空けてストロベリージャムを入れます。そのあとにホイップクリームを上に被せます!イギリスのアフタヌーンティーに出るスコーンとクリーム&ジャムみたいなカップケーキでした!おいしい〜( #´ ▽ `# )ノ


